Too often we begin to take for granted the people and things in our life. We begin to focus more on what they don't have, do, or look like, and less on their good qualities. Often it's someone else's comments that point out the good qualities of the people, places or things in our life. Their positive comments help us remember why we had the original attraction or desire for the person, place or thing. These thoughts can often generate new feelings of appreciation for what we are taking for granted.
What or whom have you begun to take for granted? What good qualities are you overlooking? When's the last time you showed your appreciation for the people, places and things in your life? Why not show your appreciation today?
Kennette Reed
I am overwhelmed by gratitude everytime I go into a grocery store. I am in awe of the variety, the effort that so many people have put into packaging, and transportation.
Finally, I am awe of the price. Relative to the amount of work that goes into making enough to money to eat and avoid starvation, I think human life has probably never been this easy.
You're right, there are so many ways for us to be grateful for the bounty of options and opportunities available to and for us.
Life is filled with an unending stream of possibilities for happiness.
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