Our Shih Tzu has lost most of his sight due to detached retinas. However, he hasn't missed a beat. Though he never was a very active dog, he has maintained his personality and managed to adapt to his near blindness.
His nose has become his bumper guard. As it bumps against walls or other objects, he realizes the need to go in a different direction. I've also taught him to follow the sound of my clapping hands. I clap to let him hear sound from the direction he should walk toward. Whenever his sense of direction is off, I say, "No" and he course corrects toward the direction of the clapping sound.
When I think of him and how well he has adapted, I think of how we humans so often put a great deal of energy into fighting change. Rather than "going with the flow", we can dig our heals in and go absolutely nowhere. In so doing, we halt our growth and progress.
What if our dog, "Deak", had decided to dig his heels (paws) in and refuse to walk anywhere, because he wasn't certain of where he was going? He'd never be able to walk outside, smell fresh air, relieve himself outside (very important) or sniff another dog (he probably thinks this one is also important). His life would be less fulfilling, less normal and less interesting.
Change was forced upon him. Yet, he adapted and made the best of his situation. Seemingly, with little or no fear. What situation are you afraid to deal with? What change are you refusing to make? What uncertainty are you afraid to face? You too have a bumper guard. You can use your instincts to course correct.
Don't hold back your opportunities for learning and growth. Though you may move forward with uncertainty, you take your instincts along. You have the ability to couse correct at any time. Don't hold back. Discover all the wonders of life that await. You'll be better for it.
Kennette Reed