Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Planning and Holding Your Plans Loosely

This is the time of year when we begin reflecting on what has come to pass and what the future holds. We reflect, evaluate and adjust. As you take stock and begin planning for the coming year(s), remember that plans are guidelines for our business and personal lives. They are not unchanging steadfast rules for what we can and cannot do.

Too often, people set their plans and when life throws in an unplanned event (which it often does), they loose their way or resent the event's occurrence. This leads to frustration, anger and sometimes a need to micro-manage one's life, events or other people.

I love the saying, "We make plans, God laughs." If we hold onto our plans too tightly, we'll forget to laugh when the unexpected occurs. If we were to hold onto our plans more loosely, the unexpected may be viewed as an opportunity to improve upon the plan, view the plan from a different perspective or include others in the plan. A tightly held plan can be squeezed until it is devoid of life.

As 2008 comes to a close, remember to hold your 2009 and beyond plans loosely. Whatever you do, know that the best made plans can be great in the moment they are made, but the future may hold a few surprises. In an instant, our circumstances can profoundly change. What we currently view as important, can instantly become insignificant.

Remember to laugh. The unexpected is bound to happen, and when it does, know that God is laughing with you.

What plans do you have for 2009? How do you plan to manage the unexpected?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Keeping Hope Alive

Last night, we witnessed history in the making. Yesterday's election will be the water cooler talk of today and the academic lesson of tomorrow. For many of us who had lost our direction, felt disenfranchised, had waning hope or thought "The American Dream" was not possible, hope has been restored.

As I viewed the television broadcasting millions of celebrating people around the world, I was moved to tears. As the young people would say, "Don't get it twisted". This was not a victory for some, but a victory for everyone. This dream became a reality due to the support of people across the country and around the world. People with distinctive characteristics (ethnic, religious, etc) came together to elect two men who spoke of cooperation, appreciation, involvement and a future we can all be proud of. Their words of change raised eyebrows, but they also inspired and raised hope.

This is the beginning of a new day for our country and our relationship with the world. I look forward to all of us showing our neighbors both near and far that we are ready and willing to reach across all that divides us and work together for the good of everyone and the world in which we live. We have kept hope alive. God Bless All of Us.

Congratulations to the First Family & the people they will serve.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do it Now! Don't Wait!

Get out and vote! Don't procrastinate.

Yes, your vote matters.

You can make a difference.

The time to stand up and be counted is NOW!!!

If you want a change, know that change starts with you!

Get out and vote!

Get out and vote!

Get to your polling place and vote.

Vote early and avoid the election day craziness.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

From Idea to Author Has Been Released

Yes, I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've had my head down and been focused on getting the book completed and ready for printing. Hooray!! Finally, the book has been released. The books have finally arrived and are being shipped today. Over the past few months we have been through numerous revisions, redesigns and delays. However, From Idea to Author: How to Become Successfully Published is finally available. This has been a great learning experience and it would not have worked as well without the help of some great people. Thanks to everyone for their support and assistance. Larry, you provided the perfect final touches.

Visit the From Idea to Author: How to Become Successfully Published website at .

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Keep The Ideas Flowing

Like Diamonds In The Rough
Ever seen a rough diamond? They appear to be a bit interesting. They stir a bit of curiosity, but on the surface, may not appear to be such a big deal. The beauty of the stone is not truly apparent until after someone takes the time to clean and polish it. Then it begins to show more promise. When the diamond is expertly cut, the true beauty and brilliance of the stone is revealed.

Ideas can be compared to rough diamonds. On the surface, some ideas may not appear to have much value, could be discounted or overlooked. However, when the right person looks at the idea, takes time to consider it, and sees beyond the surface, the true brilliance can be revealed.

Ideas Have Many Sources
In an organization, ideas are born out of personal experiences, business experiences, accidents, mistakes, customer interactions, product returns, miscommunications and in numerous other unpredictable ways. The number of ideas produced each day are countless. The number that actually reach the ear of management are few. Why? Oftentimes, due to fear of being considered foolish, misguided, disruptive, a dreamer, a complainer, fiscally irresponsible or unrealistic.

It's important to create an environment where ideas are welcomed and encouraged. Provide opportunities for staff to make suggestions. Know that many products and discoveries were born out of mistakes or miscalculations. Acknowledge and reward suggestions made by anyone. Most importantly, be careful not to kill good ideas or individual's spirits. To keep ideas flowing, avoid doing the following:

  • Ignore the idea. Dead silence is a sure killer of an idea
  • Laugh it off. By reacting to an idea as if it is a joke, you discount the individual
  • Respond with, "Oh, we've tried that before." It makes the idea generator feel out of the loop
  • Modifying the idea. Saying it is a good idea, and proceeding to change it, says you really didn't think is was such a good idea after all
  • Personally attacking the idea originator. Once recovered, they surely will not come your way again
  • Doubt the originator is the owner of the idea. "Did you come up with that all by yourself?"
  • Multiple postponements of a decision on the idea. If it's such a good idea, why is it not important enough to address in a timely manner?

Develop An Idea Processing System
If you don't already have a plan /vpolicy in place for processing ideas, why not establish one. What does your organization do with customer or employee ideas? How do you manage them, give credit, reward, and encourage creativity? In what ways do you encourage idea generation and sharing in your department? What recognition systems are in place to reward generators of useful, money saving, or profit generating ideas?

Take the time to look at your organization. If staff aren't generating and sharing ideas, find out why. Once you know the why, use this information to facilitate the transformation of your organization. You can do this by encouraging idea generation, taking action, implementing ideas, recognizing originators and providing originator rewards. Not all ideas will be winners, but encourage their continued flow. Who knows when a diamond will be discovered, disguised as a dirty stone.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Use the Recession, Gain an Advantage

Some time ago, I read the dip, by Seth Godin. Recently, during conversation, a friend suggested that I revisit the book. So, I picked up my copy and started reading parts of it again. I found much of it seemed new to me and far more relevant than it had before.

the dip is about knowing the difference between when to ride out the low points (the dip) and keep working toward your goal and when you're in what Godin calls a "Cul-e-Sac" (a place where you're stuck and no matter what you do, you can't improve your state). During a recession, many people begin to jump ship. Businesses begin to suffer from fewer sales, less production, fewer shipments, less foot traffic, etc. The affect is a hit to the bottom-line. Many businesses close up shop.

However, the dip is a time when businesses should get creative and look for opportunities. A time when leaders, managers, supervisors or business owners should take a deep breath and spend some time examining the ways in which they can create a more effective, focused, efficient, specialized business, department or team. Too often, we try to increase revenues by spreading ourselves and our teams too thin. We try to cover too much or too many markets.

If instead, we were to focus our energies on fewer tasks, products, customer segments or markets, the concerted effort and focus would have a greater impact. Therefore, it would more likely have a more beneficial result. It's the dispersed effort and the eventual quitting, that keeps us from being successful during a recession. Many successful businesses, unable or unwilling to push themselves through the dip, quit. Prior to the recession, those same businesses may have been close to realizing the level of success they were seeking.

Push yourself, your team or your business through the dip. Here are some ways to help you do that:

  • First be sure you are in a dip and not a Cul-de-Sac. If there is no possible way to improve the situation, it's time to quit and move on. Quitting is not failure. Quitting allows you to redirect your resources (time, energy, money, ideas, people). Quit products, services or features. Don't quit markets, strategies or a niche.
  • Look at your organization, department or team. How are you managing your resources (people, dollars, time, etc.)? To push through the dip, you'll need to examine your resources and be sure they aren't spread too thin or underutilized. Review your team and be sure you're effectively using their talents, skills and interests. There may be diamonds in the rough. Pluck them out, polish them and let them sparkle.
  • Use the slow times to work on being better, faster, smarter, leaner or more specialized than your competitors.
  • Market better. During a recession many organizations cut their marketing budgets. While they're cutting, you fill the marketing gaps their cuts have left behind. Your name will be seen more times and make more impressions than the competition.
  • Since 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of the market. Determine who your 20% are and focus your resources on them.

Pushing through the dip makes you, your team and your organization stronger, wiser, quicker, resilient and confident you can do it again (if necessary).

Kennette Reed

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What's Wrong With Hope?

Throughout most of the past nine months, we've heard a lot about hope. From Obama's "The Audacity of Hope" to both Democratic Presidential candidates inclusion of "Change" in their campaign slogans, to the popularity of Joel Osteen. However, despite the many voices of encouragement and visions of a better and brighter future, there are probably just as many voices shouting words of skepticism, discouragement and heresy.

Why do people feel offering "Hope" to those who may have previously had none is "false hope"? If you encourage others to imagine a future which includes what they wish for and dream of, is this wrong? If I have the "audacity" to hope for more than what is, to dream of all that could be or to envision what has never been, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with believing turning hope into reality is possible and working to make it so?

"Hope" is what encouraged Europeans to make the journey to The New World. "Hope" is what kept Africans believing they'd one day be able to escape the inhumane treatment of slavery. An end to military conflicts, a chief executive with concern for the "everyday person", job security and better education are what many voters "Hope" for. Yet, there are the naysayers who issue their discouragements with statements like, "Be realistic" or "You can't have change for change's sake".

There's much that is broken and needs to be fixed. There's much that isn't broken, but should be fixed anyway. There's also much that is great and wonderful. Here's the thing. We'll never know how much we are capable of or how great we can be until we stretch beyond what's comfortable. As individuals, as families, as organizations, as Americans, let's become more hopeful and look for ways to go beyond where we are. Let's imagine who and what we can be. Let's "Hope" for the opportunity to keep growing and learning everyday.

May all your todays and tomorrows be filled with "Hope".

Kennette Reed

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stand Tall

"You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through."
Rosalyn Carter

Stand Tall

One of the biggest challenges we face is hanging in there when life doesn't go as we expected. Too often, we give up when we're closer to reaching our goals than we realize. When you feel like giving up, Stand Tall. When fear knots your stomach, Stand Tall. When others tell you it can't be done, Stand Tall. Persevere. When the going gets tough, Stand Tall for what you believe in. Stand Tall in the face of adversity.

Regardless of appearances, stay focused on where you want to go. It doesn't matter where you are now, where you've been or what other think about who you are. Keep the finish line in your mind's eye. If you should start to lose sight of your vision, direction or goal, here are some ways you can Stand Tall:
  • Stay true to who you are, not what others want you to be.
  • Do what's right, regardless of whether it's politically correct, or the "in" thing to do.
  • Be kind to others, even when they may not have offered you the same courtesy.
  • Take a risk, even if the outcome is uncertain. This "stepping out on faith" may be just what your spirit needs.
  • Find ways to become more self-sufficient. Doing this may be uncomfortable, but you will stimulate personal growth and creativity.

Go for your dreams. Do something everyday that draws you closer to the life you dream about.

What are you waiting for? Beginning now, find more opportunities to Stand Tall, Get Tough, & Be All You Were Meant To Be. It all starts with a choice. You are the only one who gets to choose for you. Go ahead, choose your dreams and Stand Tall!

Kennette Reed

Friday, April 25, 2008

Work What You've Got

"Na na work what you got
I'm talking bout things that I know
Na na work what you got
It's okay show yourself some love
Na na work what you got
Don't worry bout who's saying what
It's gonna be fine
Work what you got"
Sung by, Mary J. Blige
From the album, "
Growing Pains"

There Is Only One You
Each of us is unique and special. It is this external and internal diversity that makes the world interesting. Learning to appreciate our individual differences, moves us toward finding ways to best utilize them.

Not looking like some of the people in magazines or on television, makes us no less interesting or beautiful. The very attributes we dislike can be "worked" to our advantage. I've heard people say they dislike their:

  • Freckles
  • Height
  • Hair color
  • Larger than average size feet
  • Weight
  • Job
  • Poor vision (and the need for glasses)

It's possible to change, enhance or eliminate some of the above, but you can also "play the hand you've been dealt".

Work What You've Got
If you've got it, find a way to make it work for you. Work what you've got. Use your freckles, height, hair color, size, glasses or job to your best advantage. Show the world you can proudly dress your tall frame, work you hair color so it looks like a crown of glory or find a store that sells stylish shoes for the above average shoe size.
If you're not loving your job, until you make a change, work what you've got. Choose projects you find interesting and use them to help you shine. If you can't choose your own projects, do an outstanding job with the projects you're given.

It's not just about making lemonade when you're given lemons. It's about "working" whatever you are working with. Can't afford that new car you want? Then work the old one. Make it the best looking older car on the road.
Want to get rid of a few pounds? In the meantime, work the body you've got. Dress your best and look fabulous, regardless of your size.

It's about knowing "it's all good". Show the world you appreciate all that you are and all that you have, regardless of the opinions or thoughts of others. Go ahead, Work What You've Got!

If you're uncertain as to how to work what you've got, give me a call. We can work on it together. With my support, you'll begin appreciating and working what you've got in no time. Don't wait. Use this link to review and complete our Coaching Intake Form or phone me today at: 510-352-2121 or 678-344-6373.

Kennette Reed

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Managing Performance, Not Personalities

Yesterday, I conducted a training with participants from multiple companies. The training was the first part of a series of Leadership Academy classes. During the early part of the class, one of the participants expressed her confusion. The instruction was contradicting the directives her company's HR department had issued to all managers.

She went on to say, she'd just been instructed by HR to only evaluate people based on performance. All supervisors and managers had been told they should no longer deal with people on a personal level or try to build relationships. Supervisor and managers were to only speak with employees about their performance and keep conversations strictly about business. Individual differences were not to be considered and should not be part of the evaluation process.

Since this portion of the class was titled, Communicating With Employees, there was obviously some conflict between effective communications techniques and the instruction HR was giving. How do you effectively communicate with someone without taking the time to learn:
  • Who they are
  • What's important to them
  • Their personal style

How can you motivate someone if you don't know:

  • What their goals are
  • Their work style
  • What they value

This information can only be obtained through conversation, relationship building and over time. Building a better understanding of the individual and utilizing that information to support them is how supervisor and managers help others reach higher levels of performance.

Look at those who are considered to be the most successful leaders. They have been successful because of their ability to:

  • Bring out the best in people
  • Manage personalities to effectively meet departmental, organizational and personal goals

The only way to discover people's best is to learn who the individual truly is. You discover:

  • What strengths do they bring?
  • What are their goals / aspirations?
  • How can their strenghts, skills and experiences best benefit both the organization, the department and the individual?

We bring all of who we are to our work. Those who manage must learn that the most challenging part of the job is the people piece. Learning to manage different personalities, styles and levels of understanding will provide the most frustration, reward and personal growth. If managers are not allowed to learn who we are and use that information to benefit both the organization and the individual, everyone will miss valuable learning and growth opportunities. If we strip away opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the individual, we might as well have an office filled with robots.

How successful would any organization be if it were staffed with emotionless, computer programmed robots? Have you called tech support lately, and spoken with an off-shore representative who's trying to hide their accent, has changed their name to an American sounding name, obviously doesn't have a clue what your issue is or how to assist you and continues to provide scripted responses? How frustrating has that experience been? That's how successful an office would be, if it were devoid of personalities.

What do you think? Should personalities come into play? Is it possible to effectively manage without taking personalities into consideration?

Kennette Reed

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Book Released! How to Get Your Book Published

Special Announcement

This is a quick note to let you know I've just released my latest book, From Idea to Author: How to Become Successfully Published. From Idea to Author is now available in downloadable ebook format. For the next 10 days ONLY, this book (over 190 pages) is available for only $14.95. After 10 days, the price will increase to $24.95.

If you've ever:
  • Thought of writing a book, but haven't
  • Started a book, but never finished
  • Finished a book, but never got it published
  • Published a book, but didn't get the sales results you hoped

This book is for you. Learn how to go from Idea to Published Author. From Idea to Author is filled with the steps and information you need to get your book written, published, distributed, in bookstores and selling.

Order your copy today! To get more information and view a book trailer, use this link . If you or someone you know has dreamed of becoming a published author, this book is for you. Get more details at

Order in the next 10 days, before the price increases. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kennette Reed


Friday, March 28, 2008

It's About Who Knows That You Know

As someone who is growing a business in a new locale, I'm very aware of the time, energy and relationship building it takes to turn a business idea into a viable enterprise. Yes, it's very important to be a knowledge leader in your field, but if no one knows who you are, what knowledge you have and how that knowledge can benefit them, you'll not be on their radar.

Establishing yourself as an expert involves utilizing a wide variety of marketing and relationship building efforts. All of them take time, persistence, creativity, research, analysis and faith. Here are just a few ideas to consider:
  • Article Writing - Placing articles in trade publications, magazines, newspapers and on other websites
  • Speaking - For local and national organizations, conferences, tradeshows, etc.
  • Interviews - This includes radio, t.v. and being interviewed as an expert by a reporter/writer of an article
  • Advertising - Web ads (banners, etc.), Google ads (and similar types), display ads in newspapers/trade publications, etc.
  • Authoring Books - Getting a book published related to your expertise and in doing so, creating an additional revenue stream
  • Networking - Attending events where your target market may be and meeting people who are decision makers
  • Volunteering - Working with decision makers in organizations related to your area of expertise. This provides an opportunity for others to get to know you and your skills
  • Keeping in touch - Keeping connected to business contacts and keeping them abreast of your offerings
  • Producing Related Products - Producing other products that may be of interest to your target market and in doing so, creating an additional revenue stream
  • Newsletters & Blogs - Creating opportunities to write about your area of specialty and through subscriptions, making regular contact with your target audience
  • Whitepapers/Special Reports - Writing about your area of expertise and making the paper or report available as either a Free item or an incentive in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter
  • Adding an Advertising Signature to Your Emails - Using your email program, add a permanent signature line that is included in every email response you send. Use it to market your website, products or events by including links

These are just a few of the many ways you can market your services. Most of them are free or low-cost marketing tactics. The key is to be consistent.

It is important to include "Author Info" at the end of each post, article, book, whitepaper, newsletter or blog. This should include info about you, your books, products, services, website and how to reach you.

Better get going. You've got a lot to do.

Kennette Reed

Monday, March 17, 2008

After The Storm

"In our lives there is bound to come some pain, surely as there are storms and falling rain;
just believe that the one who holds the storms will bring the sun."
author, unknown

This past weekend, the Atlanta area was hit by a storm that shouldn't have occurred. You see, no one would have ever thought a tornado would hit the downtown Atlanta area. It wasn't something that most people would have ever imagined. The news reports of the damage, property loss, injury and loss of life are heart wrenching.

Please reach out to those you know who are in the Atlanta area. Make sure they are safe. For those who have experienced losses due to the storm, please put them in your prayers, offer them assistance and lend support. This experience will be one none of us will ever forget. Let your empathy and generosity be part of the memory. Offer assistance to storm victims and volunteer to assist with clean up or help victims by provding clothing, food or shelter.

We're all in this together.

Kennette Reed

Friday, March 7, 2008

Foreclosures Skyrocket - How To Avoid Foreclosure

Yesterday, I saw the all too real affects of foreclosure. A neighbor suddenly packed up his possessions, said his goodbyes and moved. However, we noticed there was never a "For Sale" sign posted in the yard and they never mentioned where they were moving to. Within a couple of days of their departure, the sheriffs arrived at their home, kicked in the doors and threw the departed neighbor's remaining belongings into the front yard. What remained was substantial. It was heartbreaking to see the remnants of a family's past scattered throughout the yard. This scene made the reason for the neighbor's sudden departure all too obvious.

Everyday, I hear of someone who is losing their home due to a layoff, medical expenses, escalating mortgage payments (due to a variable interest rate) or some other reason. However, people often don't utilize some of the options available to help avoid foreclosure. Many people start down the road to foreclosure and think there is no way to turn around the car once they start down that road.

In an attempt to help others avoid this painful experience, I wanted to include some helpful information. If you or someone you know is facing foreclosure, here are tips from the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) website:

If you are unable to make your mortgage payment:

  1. Don't ignore the problem. The further behind you become, the harder it will be to reinstate your loan and the more likely that you will lose your house.
  2. Contact your lender as soon as you realize that you have a problem. Lenders do not want your house. They have options to help borrowers through difficult financial times.
  3. Open and respond to all mail from your lender. The first notices you receive will offer good information about foreclosure prevention options that can help you weather financial problems. Later mail may include important notice of pending legal action. Your failure to open the mail will not be an excuse in foreclosure court.
  4. Know your mortgage rights. Find your loan documents and read them so you know what your lender may do if you can't make your payments. Learn about the foreclosure laws and time frames in your state (as every state is different) by contacting the State Government Housing Office.
  5. Understand foreclosure prevention options. Valuable information about foreclosure prevention (also called loss mitigation) options can be found on the internet at
  6. Contact a HUD-approved housing counselor. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds free or very low cost housing counseling nationwide. Housing counselors can help you understand the law and your options, organize your finances and represent you in negotiations with your lender if you need this assistance. Find a HUD-approved housing counselor near you or call (800) 569-4287 or TTY (800) 877-8339.
  7. Prioritize your spending. After healthcare, keeping your house should be your first priority. Review your finances and see where you can cut spending in order to make your mortgage payment. Look for optional expenses-cable TV, memberships, entertainment-that you can eliminate. Delay payments on credit cards and other "unsecured" debt until you have paid your mortgage.
  8. Use your assets. Do you have assets-a second car, jewelry, a whole life insurance policy-that you can sell for cash to help reinstate your loan? Can anyone in your household get an extra job to bring in additional income? Even if these efforts don't significantly increase your available cash or your income, they demonstrate to your lender that you are willing to make sacrifices to keep your home.
  9. Avoid foreclosure prevention companies. You don't need to pay fees for foreclosure prevention help-use that money to pay the mortgage instead. Many for-profit companies will contact you promising to negotiate with your lender. While these may be legitimate businesses, they will charge you a hefty fee (often two or three month's mortgage payment) for information and services your lender or a HUD approved housing counselor will provide free if you contact them.
  10. Don't lose your house to foreclosure recovery scams! If any firm claims they can stop your foreclosure immediately if you sign a document appointing them to act on your behalf, you may well be signing over the title to your property and becoming a renter in your own home! Never sign a legal document without reading and understanding all the terms and getting professional advice from an attorney, a trusted real estate professional, or a HUD approved housing counselor.

I believe the current mortgage crisis and foreclosure rates will get worse before they get better. Everyone, please consider your options and unload assets you can no longer afford, before the financial hole gets too deep. Once the foreclosure ball starts rolling downhill, it can quickly build speed and get beyond your reach. Stay on top of your options and make decisions that will keep your finances manageable.

I wish everyone the best during these challenging economic times.

Kennette Reed

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Shut Up and Listen

How many times have you been the victim of an incessant babbler? On and on they go with seemingly no end in sight. They barely pause long enough to take a breath. Usually, people avoid them like a plague, but occasionally you get cornered. These are the people who never learn anything. How can they, they're too busy talking about what's important to them.

What can we learn from this type of person? Shut up and listen more. Effective communicators do far more listening than talking. Through listening they hear what others miss and are often able to reach a deeper level of understanding about the people they listen to.

Want to be more effective in your business and personal lives? Reduce the time you spend talking and increase the amount of time you spend listening. Take note, I mean truly listening, not just hearing. There is a big difference between the two. Stay focused on the speaker and paraphrase what they said to you. This shows you've understood what's been said and if you haven't, your paraphrasing will help the speaker see where clarification is needed.

Try it. You'll experience richer and more meaningful conversations.

Kennette Reed

Monday, February 25, 2008

To Thine Own Self Be Kind

As some of you know, we have a daughter with Lupus. She is a caring and giving person who has always taken care of others before taking care of herself. This tendency has led her to realtionships with overly dependent friends and partners, who took far more than they gave.

Her greatest joy comes from her children. As a divorced mother of four girls (ages 9 - 17) and twin foster daughters (age 13), she has her hands full. I admire her ability to keep going, despite the financial, health and everyday challenges she faces. However, I believe her longstanding pattern of taking care of others first, plays a major role in the current state of her health.

As a business and life coach, I often work with women who feel others will think poorly of them if they take care of their own needs, before taking care of everyone else. I always use the airline emergency instructions to illustrate the fallicy in this thinking.

In case of an emergency, you're instructed to use the oxygen mask on yourself first. Why? If you don't, you risk running out of oxygen. If you're out of oxygen (or low on oxygen), you can't do the best job of helping others. In otherwords, when you're at your best, you can give your best to everyone else.

When we take care of self by eating well, resting, exercising, nurturing our self (mind, body and soul) and showing others how we want to be treated, we help our self be the best it can be. Also, taking care of our self sets an example for our children. We show them by example how they too should care for their body, mind and spirit, so they can be their best. When we don't take care of self, by example, we teach our children to not take care of themselves.

Learn to say no. Learn to walk away. Learn to have some "me time". Yes, some may say you're being selfish. Many may say you are vain. Others may say you don't care enough. Your response, "Actually, I care a great deal. I care enough to want to stay healthy, happy and alive for my family and myself." Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. When you do, everyone wins.

Kennette Reed

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lessons From The Fishermen

"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I've been working on being more patient for the past seven years. This change in attitude started when I chose to leave my last job and start my current business. As a serial entrepreneur, this wasn't my first time around the block as a business owner. Though I began with an idea of what I'd do this time around, time and a desire to follow my passion, morphed that idea into something else. However, getting there was a process. It was, and continues to be, an exercise in patience.

We can learn a lot from fishermen. They take a line with bait on it and cast the line into a sea, lake or other body of water. To be effective, they must use their knowledge of:
  • What the water has to offer (type of fish)
  • When it is most likely to offer it
  • What type of bait will be most interesting to their target fish
  • What will most likely entice the fish to take the bait
  • How to reel in the catch

With this knowledge, the fishermen cast a baited line into a large body of water and wait. They sit quietly and patiently with hope and belief of eventual success in attracting their target fish. Impatience is not a word associated with fishermen. It is understood, there are days when he may catch nothing and days when he will be rewarded with a bounty. Despite the uncertainty, each outing, he returns to the water with hope.

It's about patience, and to some extenet, relinquishing control. Though they can't see or control what lies beneath the surface, their faith in eventual success is unshaken. So, they adjust the type of bait, the location of their line casting or the time of day during which they fish. Then again, with faith, they wait.

I've read that impatience is a lack of faith. Too often we give up when our reward is at hand, because we can't see how or when it will come. As a friend once told me, "You are planting seeds. They will sprout in their time, not yours." Once you plant seeds (marketing efforts, prospecting, presentations, article writing, advertising, etc.), it doesn't matter how often you go out into the garden and tell them to grow. They will sprout when the conditions are right. Some seeds will never sprout. Your job is to plant them, nurture them (fertilizing, watering, etc.) and wait. And so it is in life. Choose the right bait, location and time for the type of fish you'd like to catch. Cast your lines into the water. Then, you wait with patience and faith. Don't give up. Don't give in.

How many times have you given up on a goal, an idea, a project or a person due to impatience or an inability to see the fruits of your labor (in what you thought was an acceptable timeframe)? What have you been or are you currently impatient about? Is it possible you gave up too soon? Is it possible to revisit that project, idea or relationship and give it more time, effort or energy?

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."

Robert Louis Stevenson

Kennette Reed

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Will Speak for Fee

Share The Secret & Use It Yourself
There are many people who don't know I exist (imagine that). There are also many of you who at times are in need of a speaker/presenter for your meeting or event, and the thought, "I should hire Kennette Reed for this presentation", never crosses your mind. I'm sure that's partly my fault. But, we can remedy this situation. Please help me by:

  • Looking for meetings/events/conferences where Kennette could be hired as a Keynote speaker
  • Hiring Kennette Reed as a Keynote Speaker for your meeting, event or conference
  • Recommending Kennette Reed to others as a Keynote speaker

I know, it's not subtle, but a girl's got to work. If you're uncertain about my topics, whether I'd be a good fit or need more information, please visit my Speaking website or phone me at 678-344-6373 or 510-352-2121. Want to submit a request for a consultation? You can submit your inquiry by using our online Speaker Presentation Query Form and of course, email is always an option .

What's In It For You?
Any referral that turns into a speaking engagement earns you 25% of the speaking fee in commission. That can amount to hundreds of dollars. An easy way to earn some additional cash.

So, what are you waiting for? This is a win-win. Start sharing the secret today. Tell your friends, family and associates about Kennette Reed. Refer them to and make sure they tell me you sent them. I want to make sure you get the credit. Feel free to follow up on any referrals, at any time. I'd love to hear from you.

I appreciate your continuing support. Thanks for taking the time for this message.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Yes We Can!

This video was sent to me by a friend. It is a great video, regardless of who you intend to vote for.

Monday, February 4, 2008

One Bite At A Time

As usual, I have a number of projects in play simultaneously. There is always something new to learn, something to update, a newsletter to write, a book to work on, a training/speaking engagement to prepare for, or a blog post to write. There are times when I reach a fork in the road. I can either take the path to the land of overwhelm or take the path to the land of focus. At these times, it's important to stop, take a look at the landscape and choose the path of focus. In so doing, the focus is on completing only one thing.

Once I've determined my point of focus, I can begin to break up the associated tasks into smaller pieces (or bites) and prioritize the completion of each. Focusing, is my best way to avert the road to overwhelm. Multi-tasking doesn't effectively work to generate the most productive use of our time. Yes, there are times when multi-tasking feels appropriate, but it can adversely affect the quality and quantity of what is produced.

Another thing that works well, taking a break. I've often gotten some of my best ideas while doing something totally unrelated to the awaiting task. Taking a walk, going for a run, watching a movie, doing nothing or sitting in meditation can do wonders for anyone's mental state and creativity. Sometimes, the harder we push, the less productive/effective we become.

When you're on the verge of overwhelm, what works for you? How do you calm the overwhelm beast?

Kennette Reed

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Surviving In A Down Economy

Yes, the economic forecasts are not very positive. The president is grasping at straws to try to improve an obviously bleak picture of the remainder of his term. He will leave behind a terrible mess. However, don't let all of this take your focus off your goals and intentions.

It is possible to thrive, in spite of all of the bad news. The key is to remain focused on your goals/intention. Whatever you are working for, wherever you are going, stay focused on the endpoint. Place you energy and attention of your desired end result. Most importantly, pass each decision through the filter of your goal/intention.

With each decision, ask yourself, "Will this take me closer to my goal or away from my goal?" The answer to that question will give you the information you need to make decisions that are in alignment with where you want to go. Don't make your decisions strictly based on what others say will or will not happen with the economy or others circumstances. Appearances can often be misleading.

If you remain focused on where you want to go, you'll be amazed at how the universe will begin to deliver exactly what you need to get there.

Kennette Reed

Thursday, January 24, 2008

All For The Love of Money

While channel surfing last night I ran across a show (The Moment of Truth) that hooks a person up to a lie detector and while the person sits in front of the world (an audience, their significant other, and two other friends or family members are also sitting across from him), they are asked very personal questions. If they answer truthfully (according to the lie detector), they accumulate money. The goal is for the lie detector to detect a truthful response to every question answered, and thus win the $100,000 prize.

As I watched a man answer extremely personal questions (and the faces of his family and friends as he responded), I shook my head is disgust. At times, his responses brought obvious concern and pain to the face of his wife. The worst part (besides the fact that he did it in the first place), he did it on national television.

There is no amount of money that would lure me into putting my spouse through that. Shame on the man for going on the show and shame on the wife for supporting him in doing so (by agreeing to be on the show with him). Thereby, putting herself in that position.

In the end, the lie detector determined he didn't answer a question truthfully. So, he left with no money. Now, he must go home and try to repair the damage done to his relationship. The result could be a relationship damaged beyond repair. Was it worth it?

What would you do? Would you go on a show like that and possibly risk permanent damage to your relationship(s)?

Kennette Reed

Friday, January 18, 2008

Appreciating What You've Got

Too often we begin to take for granted the people and things in our life. We begin to focus more on what they don't have, do, or look like, and less on their good qualities. Often it's someone else's comments that point out the good qualities of the people, places or things in our life. Their positive comments help us remember why we had the original attraction or desire for the person, place or thing. These thoughts can often generate new feelings of appreciation for what we are taking for granted.

What or whom have you begun to take for granted? What good qualities are you overlooking? When's the last time you showed your appreciation for the people, places and things in your life? Why not show your appreciation today?

Kennette Reed

Monday, January 14, 2008

Knock Three Times On The Ceiling

For some reason that old Tony Orlando and Dawn song, "Knock Three Times On The Ceiling" keeps going through my head. When my husband and I met, we lived in the same apartment building. I lived upstairs and he lived in the apartment directly below mine. We quickly became friends and came up with a system for letting the other know we wanted to talk (not sure why we didn't always use the phone). When I wanted him to phone me or come upstairs, I'd stomp on the floor three times. To let me know he got my signal, he'd take a broom handle and knock three times on the ceiling. If he didn't respond, I'd know he wasn't home. I know, it sounds silly now, but it was very effective.

Those thoughts led me to thinking about the many times we knock on doors during our lifetime. There are times when we knock and don't readily get an answer, or the answer we get wasn't the one we expected. Sometimes, we never bother to knock, because we believe no one will answer or we're afraid of the answer we'll receive.

Woody Allen is quoted as saying, "80 percent of success is just showing up." Yes, you must show up to even be able to knock on the door, but if you get there and never knock, what was the point in showing up in the first place? Futhermore, if you get there, knock on the door, but walk away in defeat when no one answers the first time, you eliminate the possibility of success. Success is more than just showing up. Success is showing up, remaining focused on why you showed up and not giving up until you accomplish your goal or shift your priorities (change your mind about the importance of your goal).

You see, as time passes, our priorities change. What's important today, may seem trivial in five years. But today, keep knocking. Knock three times, five times or whatever it takes. The key to success is, keeping your attention on intention.

Kennette Reed